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Autumn Pudding

Tips: Although summer pudding is made more often, this pudding is equally easy to make, using autumnal fruit instead of the soft fruits of summer. This juicy dessert is very simple to make, but it looks superb. Serve with lightly whipped chilled cream, or creme fraiche.

1 loaf white bread, 2 or 3 days old
6 cups mixed soft fruit, such as blackberries, autumn raspberries, late strawberries, and peeled and chopped eating apples
generous 1/2 cup caster (superfine) sugar
  1. Remove the crust from the loaf and slice the bread thinly. Use several slices to line the base and sides of a 3 3/4 - 5 cup pudding bowl or souffle dish, cutting them so that the pieces fit closely together.

  2. Put all the fruit into a wide, heavy pan, sprinkle the sugar over and bring very gently to the boil. Cook for 2-3 minutes, or until the sugar has dissolved and the juices run.

  3. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside 2-3 tbsp of the juices. Spoon the fruit and the remaining juices into the prepared bread-lined dish and cover the top closely with the remaining slices of bread.

  4. Put a plate that fits neatly inside the top of the dish on top of the pudding and weigh it down with a heavy can or jar. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours, or overnight.

  5. Before serving the dish, remove the weight and plate, cover the bowl with a serving plate and turn upside down to unmould the pudding.

  6. Use the reversed fruit juice to pour over any patches of the bread that have not been completely soaked and coloured by the fruit juices. Serve cold, cut into wedges with lightly whipped chilled cream or creme fraiche.

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